Point of Need   not   Point of Sale


Point of Need

The best thing to ever happen to credit cards in over 100 years!

The Point-of-Sale: The same ol' way of paying with a card whether standing in a checkout or an online store.
The Point-of-Need: Making a payment anywhere without visiting a store on or off line with a single click or touch.

One Touch purchase

You no longer need to enter any personal or payment information during checkout. You deal directly with your bank and they already know who you are. Purchases are completed with a single touch, click, or scan of a code.

No more checkout forms

You're scrolling through social media and see something you want, you no longer have to go to the seller's online store, just touch the Buy Now button and the sale is complete in that moment, so you can continue your scroll.

Purchase anywhere with your phone

Since you own the checkout, you are no longer required to visit a merchant's store or website. Purchases can be conducted anywhere. Instead of going to a merchant's point of sale (POS), the merchant places their products at the consumer's point of need (PON).

Fraud-Proof and

Few things equal the embarressment and frustration of the words, "your card was declined" announced in public. If there is something wrong with your card, only you are notified and you can either choose a different card or just cancel without having to tell anyone why.

Stop payment with a
single touch

Every transaction must pass your approval so even if a card is lost or stolen, no purchases can be made without you knowing about it. If you don't recognize the charge, you can stop payment by simply touching "No" on the Kubera App.

The end of card fraud

If it hasn't happened to you yet, everyone knows someone who has been hurt by fraud. The Kubera App can truly end card fraud forever because of the way we re-designed the old worn-out processes that were put in place in the 1920's.

You in control

You no longer have hand over your account information to a merchant. You deal directly with your own bank without the merchant being in the middle. This means no mysterious charges and transactions you didn't approve.

A long over-due rebuild

The current payment algorithms in use today are over 100 years old! While technology has greatly changed, the same basic process is exactly as it was in the 1920's! Today, there is no reason we should still use these old, data-leaking processes.

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